What to do to increase collagen naturally, which keeps you young regardless of your age...

What to do to increase collagen naturally, which 

keeps you young regardless of your age...

Aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn't mean we have to surrender to wrinkles, dull skin and brittle bones. Keeping your body, mind and spirit healthy and young is all about nourishing your skin and body with the right nutrients. One such nutrient is collagen - a protein that is naturally produced in our bodies, but is broken down as we age. Fortunately, there are a few easy, natural ways to increase collagen production, helping you to maintain youthful skin, strong bones, and a healthy body regardless of your age. From consuming antioxidants to engaging in regular physical activity, there are several steps you can take to naturally increase your collagen levels.

Everyone wants to be young soon. For this it is important to choose foods that increase collagen production. By increasing the production of collagen, we can avoid many things like skin wrinkles, skin peeling, hair fall. So let's find out which foods should be consumed to stay young.

In fact, certain foods naturally help increase collagen production. Collagen provides 75% support to the skin. This is the reason why the skin starts sagging when there is a lack of collagen. Free radicals found in cells can quickly damage collagen. We know how to increase this collagen naturally.

What is the role of collagen?

Have you heard of the term collagen? This collagen helps to keep our skin healthy and youthful. Collagen is a type of protein. It helps in making our skin. Collagen helps to keep our skin and hair healthy. But the production of this collagen naturally starts decreasing with our age. It can show wrinkles, blemishes and age lines. So how to increase the production of this collagen naturally and how to make the skin youthful.

Ways to increase collagen:

Collagen is mainly composed of amino acids. It contains amino acids such as glycine, proline and hydroxyproline. That's why we need to take foods rich in amino acids to increase collagen production.

Collagen is essential for healthy skin, nails, bones and connective tissue.

When our body makes collagen, it synthesizes amino acids. Eat foods rich in nutrients like protein, vitamin C, zinc and copper.

Collagen is made from amino acids with the help of vitamin C.


Your body needs foods that help collagen to increase collagen production. It helps you to get young and healthy hair and skin.

So eating healthy foods can help improve your youthful appearance.


Collagen Diet Foods:

The Collagen Diet avoids high sugar and refined carbohydrates. The 9 essential amino acids are found in animal and plant products such as meat, eggs, quinoa and soy. These are what we refer to as complete proteins.

Protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish and seafood, as well as beans and milk, all provide the amino acids your body needs to make collagen.


Some common foods rich in essential amino acids, protein, vitamin C, zinc and copper are: tomatoes, garlic, carrots, berries, amla, lemon, dark leafy greens, lentils, kidney beans and black beans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds Gives seeds and seeds. Your healthy skin and hair.

Things that destroy collagen production

The production of collagen in our skin helps in the formation of bones, tendons and cartilages. They are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet light, smoke and high levels of sugar. In this way a person can lose the collagen components in the body.


Sugars and carbohydrates

Excessive consumption of sweet foods can lead to redness and irritation of the skin. It reduces the production of elastin and collagen.

Simple carbohydrates like rice, pasta, rice cakes, bread are easily converted into glucose. That is, it turns into sugar.


Drinking too much caffeine can dry out your skin. This can cause skin lines and wrinkles. The skin will peel off, making you look older. Therefore, it is better to reduce or avoid the consumption of caffeinated coffee and tea.



Packed Foods:

Processed foods that are high in salt and sugar are more likely to clog your skin pores. Excess oil can give you pneumonia. This can damage the collagen in the skin and cause aging.


Milk Products:

The synthetic hormones in milk enter our bloodstream. This hormone production also affects insulin levels. It causes skin irritation, excessive oil production and cystic tumors. So choose organic dairy products.

Collagen and elastin help keep the skin supple, supple and firm. So choose the right food for it and eat it.



Salient feature:

Many people think that if the body loses collagen, it will not be possible to get it back.

The best way is to incorporate a plant-based collagen diet daily.

Collagen is one of the most important proteins that provide elasticity. It contains one third of the body's protein. They are essential for the proper functioning of healthy skin, bones, muscles and ligaments. It is answerable for keeping up with the flexibility of the skin.

They help support the structure of muscles and vital organs. They help to soften the joints around the bones. The main function of collagen is to maintain lightness and protect the skin from radiation. If collagen is full, the skin will naturally become firmer and smoother without any care.



As we age, collagen production naturally decreases and we are exposed to stress, UV rays and pollution. Between the ages of 20 and 30, the production of collagen gradually decreases. These are those things Skin that shows signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and skin discoloration. It is important to follow a nutritious diet to maintain collagen and healthy skin levels.

Although pills are available to increase the production of collagen in the body, there are many vegetarian foods that promote the production of natural collagen in the body. They are free from chemicals and synthetics. Totally safe but healthy in the long run.

This is a misconception about collagen. Many people think that if the body loses collagen, it will not be possible to get it back. But the body can produce collagen for life. This productivity declines with age. Eat a healthy plant-based diet rich in vitamin C to boost collagen production. This will naturally increase the level of collagen in the body.

To prevent collagen damage. Even if it is lost, it can be found back.

Collagen cream makes the skin firm.

Fact: Many people believe that collagen creams help increase the amount of collagen in our skin and increase its elasticity. But this is not the complete truth. Collagen molecules are large in size. These creams do not penetrate the epidermis to improve the skin. But it will provide moisture to the skin. Fine lines and wrinkles are less visible. In addition to naturally youthful and glowing skin, collagen foods should be included.


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