Want to reduce your belly fat in seven days? Here are some ways to do it!

Want to reduce your belly fat in seven days?

Here are some ways to do it!

Do you find it very difficult to bend and straighten because of your stomach? Is there any point in trying so hard to reduce it? If so then continue to read this article.

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In general, bad belly fat is the most harmful. Plus, if your belly looks swollen like a vessel, you have a double risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. This is Actor Surya's food to keep six packs... so if the stomach starts coming, try to control it from the beginning. Here you will suffer a lot.

Nowadays most people are more worried about their stomachs. As we get older, we become aware of the effects of the foods we eat at an early age. The stomach is the result of the food we eat at such a young age. Apart from this, nowadays many people work sitting and do not give important work to the body, the fat in the food gets stored in the stomach and causes stomach upset.

The accumulation of fat not only makes the stomach look ugly but also increases the risk of many serious problems like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. So if you want to avoid these problems, then, first of all, try to reduce the stomach. If you want to reduce belly fat, there are many ways to do it.

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Egg plant and Lemon Juice

If you want to get a flat stomach then drink grapefruit juice in the morning. Though it is bitter, it is more than life. If you want, drink melon juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 pinch of black pepper powder, and black salt. Thus the potent ingredients in this juice can boost the body's metabolism, melt bad fats, improve digestion and help the body lose weight faster.


Lie on the floor with both hands tied behind the head, then touch the left knee with the knee of the right hand and then touch the right knee with the knee of the left hand. Set 3 as 10 for such a set. This is how belly fat dissolves. This exercise is suitable for both boys and girls.


Eat a cup of papaya at 3-4 o'clock in the evening. Squeeze a little lemon juice into it and sprinkle some black pepper powder and salt on it to help quench your hunger.

Take 1 cup sprouted lentils, juice of 1 lemon, 2 tbsp chopped onion, 1/2 tsp mint, 1/2 tsp chaat masala, and 1/2 tsp black pepper powder, appetite, fat, and fat will be reduced.

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These fruits should not be eaten for weight lose

4 Easy ways to help you lose belly fat

There are many ways to reduce belly fat. Health experts say that a small amount of fat is very important for the organs. But when that fat gets stored in the body, it becomes a house of diseases in the body. So if you follow the following simple steps to reduce excess body fat, you can get rid of the effects of dangerous diseases by reducing belly fat.


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Consume 10 grams of fiber daily

According to experts, by using 10 grams of soluble fiber daily, a person can easily reduce belly fat. To get this soluble fiber, eat 2 apples or a cup of green lentils/green peas daily. But it should be remembered that no food can melt belly fat in a jiffy. Losing belly fat naturally requires patience and the right approach.


20 minutes of exercise is a must

If you want to reduce belly fat, then exercise for at least 20 minutes daily. Exercise should also be such that sweating and most of the body parts keep working. This type of exercise is available in Zomba, football, swimming, or cardio exercise.


7-8 hours of sleep

When a person sleeps less, his metabolism slows down and body fat builds up more and more rapidly. So if you want to reduce belly fat then you should take 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Although sleeping alone is not enough to reduce belly fat, it is necessary.

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Avoid stress

There will be tension in everyone's life. But to reduce belly fat, there is a need to control the stress level. Because stress is one of the reasons why a person's belly fat increases. To reduce this stress, meditate, do yoga, spend time with family or friends, or experts can help

Let us now have a look at some such drinks which melt the excess fat stored in the body.


Ginger lemonade

Finely chop a piece of ginger and put it in a jar of the mixture, add a glass of water, grind it well and sieve it, add one teaspoon lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder and drink it.

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Weight loss coffee

Put a spoonful of instant coffee powder in a cup of hot water and mix well, then add 1 spoon of flaxseed powder and sprinkle some dark chocolate on top, the stomach will shrink.


Put a cup of water in a pot of green tea, boil it, put 5-7 mint leaves in it and let it boil for 5 minutes, put some green tea leaves and keep it covered for 10 minutes, then filter it and drink it.

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Young people drink water

Mix one cup pineapple juice, one cup of young water and 1/2 teaspoon fennel powder, and 1 pinch of black salt, and drink it immediately. If you drink like this every day, your body temperature will drop and your stomach will shrink.


Mixing juice of 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon honey in 1 cup of warm water and drinking it every morning on an empty stomach reduces swelling.


For more details watch this video

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