Vitamin C is very important for the skin


Vitamin C is very important for the skin

Skincare products should contain 10 to 20% vitamin C. and its Ph.D. Size must be less than 3.5.

Vitamin C is very good for both body and skin. Vitamin C is the best option for skincare and nutrition.

 To protect the skin from dirt, heat, toxins, and contamination. Otherwise, you may assume the form of premature aging. Blackheads and wrinkles start appearing. Skin problems may also occur. It can protect the skin from such damage and provide the necessary care. Some studies have confirmed that vitamin C improves skin wrinkles. These studies also point to an improvement in skin wrinkles after three months of continuous use.

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Regular consumption of Vitamin C makes the skin glow. It has also been found that when used with sunscreen, vitamin C can protect the skin from harmful UV rays. It also protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation when used in combination with other substances such as vitamin E and folic acid. Studies also show that vitamin C can reduce the appearance of dark spots.

 Vitamin C has anti-inflammatory properties. Helps to get rid of acne. Studies show that they help reduce the appearance of blemishes on the skin, but also reduce the appearance of blemishes on the skin. However, research continues.

Vitamin C, which is good for skincare, is available in liquid form. Used in many skin care products. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a skincare product based on vitamin C. Skincare products should contain 10 to 20% vitamin C. and his Ph.D. Size must be less than 3.5. These are available in the market under the name of Vitamin C serum. Is it skin-friendly before use? To be tested First clean your face with a mild cleanser. Then apply vitamin C serum to the face. Two to five drops are enough. Once it dries, you can use moisturizer. Also, apply sunscreen while going out.

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Initially, it should be used once in two days. It can also be mixed with regular skincare products if there is no skin problem or allergy. Changes can be seen after at least three months of use.

If you have any skin problems or other skin problems, stop using the vitamin C serum and consult a dermatologist.

All kinds of nutrients are required for the proper functioning of the body. When malnutrition occurs, it can have immediate and long-term effects. This damage is especially noticeable on the skin. Vitamin C is very useful in protecting the skin.

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5 Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

Moisture: This means that the skin remains healthy only when it is hydrated without drying it out. If there is a natural moisturizer for the skin, then it is called Vitamin C.

Glow: Glowing skin of any complexion is a beauty. Vitamin C makes the skin glowing and glowing. It also naturally enhances the complexion of the skin.

Nature: Vitamin C plays an important role in the release of essential collagen from the skin. It protects the skin from sagging, line fall, and wrinkles.

Colour: Vitamin C, which naturally evens out skin tone, fights hyperpigmentation, and evens out skin tone. It also plays a role in reducing the number of corneas.

Sunlight: We all know that the skin is most affected by sunlight. Vitamin C protects us from the sun's rays and heals wounds caused by overheating.

 If the body is rich in vitamin C or ascorbic acid, then this is enough. We can gain Vitamin C only by taking healthy food. Nor can it be deposited in the body. This should be taken care of because vitamin C is not stored in the body. If it is reduced, the skin will become dry and lifeless.

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It can also cause skin problems. We need 100 to 200 mg of vitamin C in our body daily. It can be obtained through diet. Vitamin C is used in the preparation of skincare products. Here's how to make a vitamin C pill at home.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an important nutrient that provides immunity to the body. Also, it increases the production of collagen in the skin. This way the skin will always look young. Prevents skin discoloration, blackheads, and scars. When these are fully available, the skin is always glowing.

That's why stores add beauty products to vitamin C in serums and high vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C controls the production of melanin which darkens the skin tone.

 If you are more interested in beauty, then you can make vitamin C-rich serum at home without delay.

Vitamin C Serum


Vitamin C - tablet 1 (buy and use standard tablets on the advice of a dermatologist).

Pure butter - 3 tbsp

Glycerin - 2 tbsp

Vitamin E-2 is available in tablet form.

Clear Glass Spray Bottle - 1




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Add a little buttermilk to the bottle and stir well. Stir until the tablet is well dissolved.

Then add glycerin, vitamin E tablet, and all other butter, mix well and cover in a glass bottle. This serum should be stored and used away from sunlight as it will lose its nutritional value if exposed to the sun. It should be used within a week of preparation.

The rest must be recycled and reused without being used. Fruit serums containing vitamin C can be used for additional days. This requires a bit of cleverness. Let's look at it alone.

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Vitamin C is an excellent substance that helps to cleanse the skin. Apply it on the face daily and clean the face. Then apply some good moisturizer. It can be used both in the morning and at night till the skin looks radiant.

Very few people have mild skin allergies. Even after regular use of this serum, it can be avoided in case of skin infections. In addition, taking vitamin C in the morning protects the skin from the sun's UV rays.

 Watch this video for more details

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