What to do to naturally increase collagen, which keeps you young, regardless of your age ...


What to do to naturally increase collagen, which keeps you young, regardless of your age ...

Everyone wants to be young soon. For this, it is important to choose foods that increase collagen production. By increasing the production of collagen we can avoid many things like wrinkles, skin peel, and hair loss on the skin. So let's know what to use to stay young.

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In fact, some foods naturally help increase collagen production. Collagen provides 75% support to the skin. Therefore, when collagen is depleted, the skin begins to loosen. Free radicals found in cells can quickly damage collagen. We know how to increase this collagen naturally.

What is the role of collagen?

Have you heard the term collagen? This collagen helps keep our skin healthy and young. Collagen is a type of protein. It helps shape our skin. Collagen helps keep our skin and hair healthy. But as we age, the production of this collagen naturally decreases. It can cause wrinkles, blemishes and the appearance of age lines. So how to increase the production of this collagen naturally and keep the skin young.

Ways to increase collagen

Collagen consists exclusively of amino acids. It contains amino acids such as glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. That's why we need to take foods rich in amino acids to increase collagen production.

Collagen is essential for healthy skin, nails, bones, and connective tissue.

When our body makes collagen, it synthesizes amino acids. Eat foods rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamin C, zinc, and copper.

Collagen is made from amino acids with the help of vitamin C.

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Your body needs foods that help collagen to increase collagen production. It helps you to get young and healthy hair and skin.

So eating healthy foods can help improve your youthful appearance.

Collagen Diet Foods

The collagen diet avoids high sugar and refined carbohydrates. Nine essential amino acids are found in animal and plant products such as meat, eggs, quinoa, and soy. These are what we call whole proteins.

Protein-rich foods such as meat, eggs, fish, and seafood, as well as beans and milk, provide all the amino acids your body needs to make collagen.

Some common foods are rich in essential amino acids, protein, vitamin C, zinc, and copper: tomatoes, garlic, carrots, berries, amla, lemons, dark leafy vegetables, lentils, kidney beans, and black beans, pumpkin seeds, sunflower Gives seeds and seeds. Badge. Your skin and hair are healthy.

Things that destroy collagen production

The production of collagen in our skin helps in the formation of bones, tendons, and cartilage. They are exposed to the sun's ultraviolet light, smoking, and high levels of sugar. This way a person can lose collagen components in the body.

Sugar and carbohydrates

Excessive consumption of sweet foods can cause redness and irritation of the skin. It reduces the production of elastin and collagen.

Simple carbohydrates like rice, pasta, rice cake, and bread are easily converted into glucose. That is, it turns into sugar.


Drinking too much caffeine can dry out your skin. It can cause skin lines and wrinkles. The skin will peel off and you will look older. Therefore, it is better to stay away from caffeinated coffee and tea.

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Can eat food

Processed foods that are high in salt and sugar are more likely to clog your skin pores. You may experience pneumonia due to excess oil. It can damage collagen in the skin and cause aging.

Dairy products

Synthetic hormones in milk enter our bloodstream. This hormone production also affects insulin levels. It causes skin irritation, excessive oil production, and cystic tumors. So choose organic dairy products.

Collagen and elastin help keep skin soft, supple, and strong. So choose the right food for it and eat it. Collagen is a problem that affects most women.

The problem of collagen mainly affects women. Women are more likely to be affected before menopause and during pregnancy.

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A breakdown of a protein called collagen is also responsible for aging. To know why this collagen is important, it is important to see and feel it. Collagen is the most important protein in our body. This collagen protein is 70% important for skin, hair, nails, and 100% connective tissue. This protein plays an important role in smoothing out every inch of the skin, from the hair to the organs and the digestive system.

The production of this collagen in our body decreases with age. At age 25, the body's collagen levels begin to decline. This is due to the fact that the body and skin begin to show signs of aging. There seems to be joint noise, thinning hair, broken nails, and stomach problems.

* Insufficient sleep, * High sugar diet, * Heartburn, * Weak joints, * High cholesterol,  * High sunlight, * Immunity diet, * Sitting all day, * Eating disorders, * Vitamin C

It is a disease in which the immune system destroys the healthy tissues of the human body. Tissue disorder is associated with severe autism. It can affect any part of the body such as joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and brain. Foods rich in vitamin C, such as garlic, onions, turmeric, and green tea, help protect collagen.

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